What’s on

all the services and events happening at the Cathedral

Weekly Services

These regular services take place at the same time each week. All other events are listed below.


Weekdays: 9:00am


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 5:30pm

This week’s music

  • Setting: Mass for Four Voices, Byrd

    Motet: This is the record of John, Gibbons

    President: The Precentor

    Preacher: The Minor Canon

  • Matin Responsory, Palestrina


    Drop down ye heavens, Weir

    O radiant dawn, Macmillan

    Es ist ein Ros entsprungen, Praetorius

    Benedictus in C, Stanford

    Behold, thou shalt conceive, Handl

    Advent Calendar, Ogden

  • Setting: Ireland in C

    Motet: Gaudete! trad ass. Graham

    President: The Minor Canon

    Preacher: The Precentor

  • Responses: Plainsong

    Psalm: 50. 1-6

    Canticles: Purcell in Bb

    Anthem: In pace, Blitheman


Friday 6:00 pm Sunday 3:30pm


Wednesday 12:00 & Sunday 8:00 Sunday 11:00am (sung)

Other events

Hover over the calendar for a quick view of events by month, or scroll down to view a list of forthcoming events.